On Tuesday 21 August 2012, Alex Fiestas wrote:
> On Tuesday 21 August 2012 17:51:55 Martin Gräßlin wrote:
> > should still work, IIRC I adjusted it. Personally I would like to have it
> > as the default, but it's too slow in loading.
> Then we should try to improve this somehow (Maybe in randa?) I'd really
> like to have:
> -Unread messages
> -Finished jobs
> -Events
> -Battery
> those would be super awesome to have, and I'm sure I'm forgetting things :p

a way *may* be loading only the greeter executable with the current qml (with 
just the difference that the scene would be a corona instance, then, *after* 
is loaded, instantiating a containment with all eventual applets.

so it would solve the problem of the lockscreen loading only after a system 
goes out of sleep, but slow, still (there isn't much way around the time 
needed to load a containment full of several applets :/)

Marco Martin
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