On Friday 14 September 2012 22:28:07 Marco Martin wrote:
> On Friday 14 September 2012, Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
> > - "The new Microblog app offers an easy and intuitive way for users to
> > keep
> > tabs on Social Networks such as Twitter and Identi.ca." appears twice (in
> > the first and last paragraph of the "New Apps" section).
> > - Is Bodega Store now the official name for the application? I'm confused
> > by the many different names it's been given over time...
> yes, should be called Plasma Active Addons or something like that, bodega is
> just the technical client/server

I think we have to settle on an official name at this point, and this name 
should be chosen carefully. Since the store concept seems to have been Aaron's 
idea, I'd say he should give it an official name and we should use that. 
@Aaron: In your blog you called it "Add Ons App". Should we keep that name?

Generally I think we should look for and resolve naming inconsistencies in PA 
in general before the release, since this is an important part of "polishing" 
and reducing confusion in marketing communication.

> > - Is Okular Active the official, user-facing name? In the App Launcher
> > it's
> > called "Books", the executable was something like actove-documentviewer
> > last time I checked. We really need to use names more consistently.
> as user facing thing i wanted it as invisible as possible, no name, not
> directly launchable, the user just knows that is opening a book
> i think is good mentioning is based on okular tough

Makes sense, so our official name for it is now Okular Active.

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