Just stumbled across the following while looking at the link you posted:

"... It is a redistribution contract allowing distributions to
distribute the binary Fluendo GStreamer MP3 plug-in free of charge.
...", http://www.fluendo.com/shop/product/fluendo-mp3-decoder/

Maybe this even allows to officially re-distribute the mp3 decoder as
part of PA or even Mer?

But note that there are some more remarks about mp3 patent stuff below
on that page.



On 04/12/2013 04:23 PM, Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
> On 12.04.2013 16:14, Thomas Pfeiffer wrote:
>> Another solution could be to partner with Fluendo to offer users to buy
>> codecs from them as Add-Ons. This is how some desktop distros tackle the
>> problem.
> I just saw that Fluendo even offers the mp3 decoder for free
> (http://www.fluendo.com/shop/category/end-user-products/)! All the more
> reason to partner with them. We might still not be able to ship directly
> with the decoder, but if users can just go to Add-Ons and download it
> for free, they shouldn't mind (and that way they'd make first contact
> with Add-Ons).
> All the more reason to partner with them!
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