On 07/23/2013 10:00 PM, Marco Martin wrote:
On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 9:48 PM, Bogdan Cristea <crist...@gmail.com
<mailto:crist...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    ARM devices are not yet supported in AP4 ? I have seen that
    compiling an app on mer build (https://build.merproject.org/) for
    other architectures than x86 does not seem to work


for the particular devices, like nexus7 i'll let maintainers of those
devices speak (and release when they feel ready)

Well, I don't know if this was a broad hint and if it was directed at me but I'll respond anyhow. ;)
I can at least report about the status on ArchosG9 and Nexus7.

Personally, I think, the most important issue is still the non-working networkmanager applet.
There are some workarounds but non I'd call "enduser suited".

I already invested quite some time into trying to debug this but couldn't come up with a solution yet.
In fact, I can't even roughly pinpoint where this problem is located.

It's "simply" that the nm-applet doesn't receive any mouse events after it was opened. The icon and the applet seem to receive the equivalent of "right-click" events: in both cases the same pop-up menu appears. I forced the right click even by tinkering with the button mask via some xinput utils.

During the tries to fixing this I played with lots of added debugging statements in the involved code.
QML-wise, the touch events seem to be not forwarded to the QML part at all.
On the C++ side the results are also "strange". It seems like only the first key-press is forwarded to the applet and then the rest is just ignored/filtered/masked, whatever. I don't recall all the details as there was quite some time between the different debugging attempts.
You can find the last patch of my last try here:

Additionally, the media center does not seem to work correctly.
At least the Nexus7 version can only playback hw-accelerated video via bangarang but iirc the ArchosG9 version didn't produce any video output with the media center either.

Well, this is just the very quick feedback.
Unfortunately, I cannot invest that much time into this right now...
I hope this feedback is useful and that there will be a solution at least for the nm-applet issue.



Marco Martin

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