Title: Missing Sysvol and Netlogon

I am hoping that you guys could share some light on the following problem I encountered.

Doing my usual Administrative Task I had to disable an option in the Domain Policy and I experienced errors opening the policies.

Had a look at the "sysvol and netlogon" contents and picked up that the entire content was removed and this had been replicated throughout the domain.

So after brain storming we figured that we would just copy the contents we had from a previous backup and hey presto everything started working and the changes were replicated back to all the DC's.

So my questions are these:


§       What level of access does one require to be able to delete the contents of the "Sysvol and Netlogon"?

§       Was the copying of the contents the right move that was made?

§       I know that the FRS service and Active Directory replication work independently can someone tell me where I can read up slightly more information for FRS.

§       I am having errors currently opening my "Default Domain Policy" where it reports errors on certain lines and after selecting "Ok" I have access to the policy but the question is do I just copy a "default Adm" file and apply the changes or is there an alternative method.

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