I think the standard formulas work well as a starting point, but over the years I've 
gotten stingy on pagefile size, since you can get defragmentation in the pagefile and 
really big ones can get correspondingly more fragmented if they start to get up to a 
fair percentage of total disk space. In any case, my overall goal is to prevent the OS 
from having to grow the pagefile as the memory pressure increases, since growing the 
page file is a pretty expensive operation, especially if the disk is already 
fragmented. So what I try to do is keep an eye on the system's total Committed Bytes 
during the server's typical workload cycle. You can see peak committed bytes in Task 
Manager (under Commit Charge) or in PerfMon (under the Memory object). I'm sure 
there's a technical reason behind it, but Windows seems to grow the pagefile when the 
Committed Bytes allocated by the system gets near the Commit Limit. The commit limit 
is roughly the amount of physical MB of RAM you have on the system + the current 
minimum page file size. So, if you have 500MB of Ram and a 1.5 GB minimum page file 
size, then your commit limit is 2GB. If the committed bytes peak never even gets close 
to 2GB over the course of the server doing its job, then you can safely drop the 
minimum page file size accordingly. You of course want to allow for some buffer for 
workload increases, but that approach seems to work pretty well and can keep the page 
file nice and tidy. I'd be interested to hear if anyone finds something different, but 
this has worked pretty well for me. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Costanzo, Ray [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2003 1:24 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Pagefile sizes... Its that time of year again.

The rule of thumb I've always heard is RAM×1.5, so 1.5 GB.

Ray at work

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Myrick, Todd (NIH/CIT) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> So you have a Gig of ram on a DC, what do you all set the
> pagefile size to?
> Memory +11 MB?  
> Like to hear your feedback.

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