Maybe persistent mapped drives, mapped with the old userid/password?
Mike Thommes
-----Original Message-----
From: Creamer, Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 2:19 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] account lockout troubleshooting

Thanks Ken, however all events are occurring from ONLY the affected user’s workstation. The logs support this. Also, none of them have access to or ever use terminal services, so it’s not a disconnected ts session either.


I agree entirely with your statement that being logged on somewhere else is usually the case – that’s why I haven’t been able to figure this one out yet.



-----Original Message-----
From: Adams, Kenneth W (Ken) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 3:08 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] account lockout troubleshooting


I've encountered similar lockout issues throughout my admin career.  What I've found the majority of the time is that the locked out account is logged onto a PC continuously (i.e., an application specific PC that runs all the time) and logs onto another PC as their primary work machine.  When the password is changed on the primary work PC, the continuously logged on PC is not logged off to update the password.  The continuously logged on PC periodically attempts to validate the logon credentials and fails the validation.  This validation attempt happens quickly enough that the account is locked after the specified number of invalid attempts.


Check with the affected users and have them be absolutely sure they are not logged onto more than 1 PC.


Kenneth W. (Ken) Adams, MCSA, MCSE

-----Original Message-----
Creamer, Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 2:03 PM
Subject: [ActiveDir] account lockout troubleshooting

Hi folks,

I have been trying to troubleshoot some lockout events. In every case, the event originates on the user’s own workstation (not some other user). There are no associated file object failures on the primary file server. It seems like it is application-based, but I can’t nail it down. I’ve been using Microsoft’s AL tools, including EventCombMT, but I can’t use the acctinfo.dll because the clients are Win9x.


Today I noticed for the first time that on 2 DCs, the exact same 5 login failures occurred (one example follows):


681,AUDIT FAILURE,Security,Tue Oct 07 13:13:38 2003,NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM,The logon to account: MYUSER    by: MICROSOFT_AUTHENTICATION_PACKAGE_V1_0    from workstation: \\HIS_PC    failed. The error code was: 3221225578   


I was concerned that I didn’t think it is normal that 2 DCs would log the same 5 logon failures at exactly the same times. What do you think?




Mark Creamer
Systems Engineer
Cintas Corporation
Honesty and Integrity in Everything We Do


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