I believe you're going to have to install the AD Client Extensions on those PCs.  You can find the software on the Windows 2000 CD.
Mike Thommes
-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Shaff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 09, 2003 11:19 AM
Subject: [ActiveDir] Windows 2003 and Windows 98 clients

Okay, I know that people are going to be like… “Windows 98, come on. Please join us in the Twentieth Century”!!!  But, we need to do testing on Windows98 for our product compatibility.


We just upgraded to Windows 2003 (2000 native) and now it appears that individuals that are running Windows 98,95,ME are not able to authenticate against the domain.  It just prompts them for the username, password and domain.  It just locks the account out after X tries, per our security policy.


We have also tried to use webmail, that previously worked on these PCs.  It prompts for the certificate (which is good), prompts for user/password/domain, then gives you an access is denied.  I think that all these problems with this “ancient” OS are related.


I have the PDC, RID and GC on a W2K3 DC and it appears to be running properly.


Any ideas?


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