According to Books Online - you need two certs - one for the app server, and
one for the SQL Server.

People from the MS SQL Server security team (Richard Waymire etc) are on:


From: "Mark Nold" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ActiveDir] Way OT: SSL to SQL over the i-net

I know its way OT but have yet to find any good SQL lists.  If you know
of any please point me to those.

We have a web app that lives on our hosts web server.  It talks to our
internal SQL box.  All works and works like it should...except now I
want to encrypt the traffic.  I know the connection string to put in on
the web programming...what I cant figure out is who gets which Certs
from our CA.

Web box is Win2k3 IIS 6
SQL box is Win2k sp3 SQL 2k sp3

Any help or suggestions of other lists are much appreciated.


Mark Nold

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