Happy New Year Graham-
Yes, I think KB306915 is incorrect as near as I can tell. I can
understand why MS put those values in the spot they did. That policies
subkey under HKLM guarantees that any settings underneath are not
"tattooed" when the policy is removed, so it makes sense that they would
want to put as many settings here as possible. It is curious, however,
that they are basically duplicates of the values found in the
GPExtensions subkey.

I suspect that the gpextensions values are used by the extensions
themselves to control other processing behavior. 

In regards to your IE problem, yes, the IE maintenance uses the same
mechanism as the IEAK, although as I understand it, not all IEAK
policies are supported in Group Policy. If you look in the GPT (in
sysvol) for a given GPO with IE Maintenance policy set, you will find
the familiar install.ins file. I am not surprised that userenv.log
logging doesn't yield much detail, since the IEAK stuff is marching to
its own tune, so to speak. If it truly is the same mechanism, then you
might look for the brndlog.txt file, which is used to log configuration
events in the IEAK. I don't have a handy machine to look for that right
now, but if you find it, let me know. KB article # 192472 describes
troubleshooting in the IEAK, which probably applies to a degree in GPO.

Good luck,


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Graham Turner
Sent: Friday, January 02, 2004 6:22 AM
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] group policy processing of IE settings

Darren, thanks for the mail back (and perhaps a sanity check !!) and
Happy New Year to you it would seem appropriate to say.

i assume that we are then agreed then that the "running config" of the
CSE that processes the IE mainteance settings is in fact the values in;


and that KB306915 is in fact incorrect ??

fact - we have the "IE maintenance policy processing" policy enabled
with "process even if GP objects have not changed" and this has set the
reg value as above to 0 from which it seems i can assume (!! ??) that
the client will process

i have not as yet tried setting the NOGPOLISTCHANGES under the
'gpextensions" key to 0 as yet - didn't think that we would need to do

IF this does needs to be applied begs the question of what (if any)
policy value enables this.

however we are experiencing inconsistent behaviour of setting of the
"automatic configuration script address" value.

on the premise that we are always processing the IE maintenance settings
are you able to offer suggestions on how to further debug.

it would seem the "ultimate" debug is logged activity of the application
of the given reg values into the registry

have tried setting the extensiondebuglevel value for the CSE to 2 in the
hope that the CSE logs its activity somewhere so i can see the reg value
being applied. - NO JOY HERE !!

gpresult.exe does not give us any information other than "additional
information is not available for this type of policy setting" !! -
chocolate tea cups comes to mind !

qu - i don't know to much on the concept of IE branding but i do know of
it as a pre-group policy method of

is it possible that the affected hosts have some legacy of this
installed -
KB306915 seems to suggest that "install.ins" which as i understand is
generated by IEAK still comes into play even when using GP to configure

also am not finding good information on the policy "disable external
branding" - ???

apologies for the essay but i attempt to fill you in on as much of that
which i have tried - what should be easy is proving to be quite the
opposite - it would seem to be made all the more difficult by the lack
of debug information ??

don't know if you follow the Usenet location of
msnews.microsoft.com/microsoft.public.win2000.grouppolicy but here i
have an ongoing thread with MSFT - this seems to have run its course.

help in the further debug of this will be most gladly received


----- Original Message -----
From: "Darren Mar-Elia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2003 6:02 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] group policy processing of IE settings

Well, this is pretty wild. My initial response was based on my long-held
belief that MS followed their own documentation. Silly me. If you read
this article that talks about how to implement a callback function for
your own CSE
/policy/processgrouppolicyex.asp), it clearly talks about the Winlogon
key as being the place to put these values--and indeed NOGPOListChanges
is shown on my XP machine in that spot with a value of 1. However, you
are absolutely correct that the Admin. Template policy makes the change
in the other location. I only had to look at the underlying ADM file to
see that that is so. The docs also note that when the value is 0 (not
1), that is when the CSE processes a GPO regardless of changes, which is
what you want. The reason that key didn't show up on my machine was that
I hadn't set that policy as of yet. Once I set it, voila.

So, if that value is set to 0, you should be processing IE Maintenance
policy each time processing happens--foreground or background. If that
is still not solving your problem, then let us know.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Graham Turner
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2003 4:13 AM
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] group policy processing of IE settings

Darren, thanks for the mail reply.

this was my initial view - but google searches on "nogopolistchanges"
seem to lead to apparently contradicting info;


seems to go directly against that which is documented under Q306915 and
other technotes that suggest the configuration of the CSE is under the
registry key with "gpextensions"

fact of the matter (which i would be glad for your confirmed observation
on) is that when the policy is enabled via the policy editor the
registry key under gpextensions is NOT set to 1 when the policy is

in fact the other reg value (which i am not sure why you don't have on
your system ? - win2k professional / SP3) is modified to reflect the
policy settings

as i see it i have no confidence that the "running config" of the GP
clients is such that IE maintenance policies are being applied
irrespective of update ??

seem to exhausted offers from the MS newsgroup so me thinks am in for a
rough ride on this one !!!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Darren Mar-Elia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2003 5:51 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] group policy processing of IE settings

Generally speaking, when you need to change CSE processing behavior, its
typically done where the CSE is registered, which is under
hklm/software/microsoft/windows nt/current version/winlogon/gp
extensions/. I don't have the 1st reg key you listed on my machines, so
I'm not sure where that comes from. If you don't want to futz with
making these registry changes, the NoGPOListChanges option is the same
as the Administrative Template policy called "Process Even if the Group
Policy objects have not changed". You can set this for the IE
Maintenance CSE by going into the GPO namespace under:
Computer Configuration|Administrative Templates|System|Group Policy|IE
Maintenance Policy Processing.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Graham Turner
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2003 7:22 AM
Subject: [ActiveDir] group policy processing of IE settings

not sure if this list accepts issues relating to the configuration of
Internet explorer using Group policy - if not apolgoies but would
nonetheless be v glad for assistances on the apparently inconsistent
behaviour w.r.t the setting of the auto-configuration script value.

definites i can confirm;

1. the internet maintenance processing policy is enabled - (see later)

2. the IE maintenance is in policy (NOT preference) mode

the observed behaviour is that despite the autoconfig script value being
set by policy, in some cases this particular policy is not being applied
- seems similar to that documented by KB306915

i think the issue seems to evolve around the setting of the registry
value "NOGPOLISTCHANGES" for the client side extension that processes
the internet explorer maintenance settings - in short the one that ends
in "00C04F86AE3B"

the policy that is applied to the computer has the "Internet Explorer
Mainteance processing" policy enabled with the "process even if the GP
objects have not changed" set.

this is verified by the result of gpresult.exe and the values set in the
registey key;


however KB306915 / KB216358 seem to allude to a registry value of the
same "nogoplistchanges" name but under a different key;

hklm/software/microsoft/windows nt/current version/winlogon/gp

not sure how these two keys are related - if at all ??

KB306915 seems to suggest the enabling of the IE maintenance policy is
configured using the value under the latter key

my testing would go against this and that in fact it sets the former key

help in the debug of this will be v gladly received


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