Greetings all, I am looking for the best way to update the default ADM
templates to support XP and 2003 servers.

According to all the documentation I can find and some of my own testing, I
have been able to update existing GPO's to use the newer XP ADM templates
without a problem.  I am concern about creating new GPO objects though.  If
you create them using AD U&C on a 2K workstation that hasn't updated their
ADM templates it appears to default to creating new GPO's using the original
ADM templates.  So in order to create NEW GPO objects with the new XP
settings the machine has to have the XP ADM templates installed.  It also
appears that if you Modify an existing XP GPO using the same 2K workstation
it will use the 2K ADM templates unless you overwrite them with XP ADM

So for my own sanity I just wanted to verify the following with you all.

1.  If you want to upgrade existing GPO's to use XP ADM or 2003 ADM
templates you need to manually update the machine you are working form ADM
templates, then on the OU, select the GPO you want to upgrade, EDIT it, then
under administration templates right click and select add/remove templates
and add then remove the old 2K templates and add the new XP or 2003 ones.

2.  If you try to modify a XP GPO in the AD using a machine that doesn't
have the newer XP ADM templates installed, My experience is it will default
to using the older templates even though the actual GPO is newer.  

Q. Is this what many of you experienced?
Q. If this is true, if you save the GPO will it overwrite the GPO using the
older template settings and drop the XP and 2003 settings?



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