Some further info and a question...
I did some further testing with the commands in my previous note.  I
have a script that reads the NT Security descriptor and dumps the
control flags...if I create a new user the control flag is 0x8C04.  
If I then run DSACLS <DNofTheNewUserObject> /S, and then look at that
control flag again, it has changed to AC04.  The additional 0x2000
appears to be a flag for protecting the SACL of the object.

Anybody know why this would change when all I did was reset the ACL to
the default defined in the schema ?

If I dump the ACL with DSACLS before and after doing the above command,
and compare the output, it is identical.  It's just the control flags of
the NTSecurityDescriptor  that have appeared to change.

FYI, this is a domain with a mix of 2000 and 2003 DCs.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Fugleberg,
David A
Sent: Monday, July 12, 2004 10:42 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Scripting new ACE into DACL fails with Account
Op erators

I'm running this directly on a lab DC, so that particular guess
shouldn't apply...I'm not about to start mucking around in c++ for this
(too many years since I've written a line of c or c++ code).

Your suggestion of dsacls /s started me down a different path...turns
out the /P:N switch along with the /S switch takes care of both turning
on inheritance and sorting out the ACLs.  I put it in a script, which
also sets AdminCount to zero, and that seems to work ok.DSACLS has a /P
switch that I'd never noticed before.  Thanks to google, I found someone
else who had used this successfully to do the same thing I'm trying to

So, now my script simply:
- sets AdminCount to zero
- runs DSACLS DNofUser /P:N /R Guest /S

For some reason, the /P:N doesn't seem to work without the /R Guest.  I
never would have figured that out if I hadn't found that google

Anyhow, thanks for (once again) putting me on the right track. Dave

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of joe
Sent: Friday, July 09, 2004 7:21 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Scripting new ACE into DACL fails with Account
Op erators

I would take a wild guess that this is ADSI having an issue with the
built-in group. I will also guess you are running this from a member and
not from a DC so it is probably squawking because the local machine
can't figure out the SID or some such nonsense since acc ops don't exist
on members... That is a complete guess but I have found the only real
good ways to work with ACLs is through c++ and the evil lower level

Anyway, my recommendation on this one would be to do a Schema Default
reset. Otherwise what would happen is if down the road you change your
schema default and say, for good reason, remove acc op or do something
else then you also have to modify this script. Now you could read the
schema default sd and slap that down or you could parse out to dsacls
(/s) and let it do the work, I would go for the latter. 



-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Fugleberg,
David A
Sent: Friday, July 09, 2004 5:52 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Scripting new ACE into DACL fails with Account
Op erators

I suspect that being a Built-in group has something to do with it...I'm
just looking for a way around that.  Obviously that group CAN be granted
Full Control on a user, since that's the default - I just can't seem to
get the script to see it that way.  Perhaps I'm using the wrong value
for the Access Mask ??

As to why I want to do this per-user...a couple reasons.  One, I don't
want to apply it to accounts that should not have it (although the next
run of the SDProp thread should fix that).  Two, the users in question
are in the default Users container, and Account Operators don't have
blanket Full Control of all user objects in there (although I suppose I
could change that).  The ACE for Account Operators to have Full Control
seems to be applied directly on a user object (not inherited) when the
object is created.

Suggestions are welcome !  What do other folks do when they remove
someone from one of the 'protected' groups to return them to a 'normal'
user status ?


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mulnick, Al
Sent: Friday, July 09, 2004 4:13 PM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Scripting new ACE into DACL fails with Account
Op erators

Not completely sure how to work around it, but they are different group
types.  Account Operators are built-in domain local accounts whereas
your test group is not. 

Curious why you want to apply this to each account vs. each OU if
inheritably permissions is in effect?

There may be something helpful here to jog the thought process:


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Fugleberg,
David A
Sent: Friday, July 09, 2004 4:46 PM
Subject: [ActiveDir] Scripting new ACE into DACL fails with Account

I'm trying to fix up some user accounts that used to be in one of the
admin groups protected by AdminSDholder.  Using Robbie's most excellent
cookbook, I wrote a script to read a list of users and for each one, do
the following:
- set AdminCount to zero
- turn on the "Allow Inheritable Permissions from parent..." checkbox
- grant Account Operators full control

The first two work fine.  The last one fails with an error "The Security
ID structure is invalid". I tried replacing the string "TADS\Account
Operators" with "TADS\Test Group", and that works fine.

Is there something that prevents Builtin groups from working here ?

Also, I have no idea why this works even though the line
oSD.DiscretionaryACL = oDACL is commented out.

Here's the applicable snippet of code:
                '### Get Security Descriptor  for this user ###
                set oSD = oUser.Get("ntSecurityDescriptor")

                '### Get DACL for this Security Descriptor
                set oDACL = oSD.DiscretionaryACL

                '### Create a new ACE
                set oACE = CreateObject("AccessControlEntry")
                oACE.Trustee    = "TADS\Account Operators"
                oACE.AccessMask = ADS_RIGHT_GENERIC_ALL
                oACE.AceFlags   = 0
                oACE.Flags      = ADS_FLAG_OBJECT_TYPE_PRESENT

                '### Add new ACE to DACL
                oDACL.AddAce oACE                

                '### Replace DACL in Security Descriptor with the
updated DACL
                'oSD.DiscretionaryACL = oDACL

                '### Replace Security Descriptor with the updated SD
                oUser.Put "ntSecurityDescriptor", oSD
                wscript.echo "error is " & err.number

Most of this is lifted from Recipe 13.6 in the Tuna book.

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