I have to second that - I don't see much performance issues when
admininterface and the vs-host are seperated. The mgmt traffic should be
pretty low, the higher traffic is when connecting onto a machine via RDP,
VSRC or the webbased VSRC. Either or they will cause the traffic between the
VS-host and the machine where the admin is sitting, no matter where the
webpage runs. And I'd usually recommend using RDP here - provides a higher
performance (than VSRC) and the admin doesn't need to worry if he's
connecting to a real or virtual machines - same interface.

Propably the transfer of the webpage causes way more traffic than managing
the VS-guest with it. So you might get a better performance / less
WAN-Traffic if you put the webpage in your hub and only the VS-host w/o
admin-webpage in the Branch-Office.


|-----Original Message-----
|[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
|Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2005 7:55 AM
|To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
|Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Virtual Servers in Branch Offices
|Other than to set up the Virtual instances themselves, you 
|will not ordinarily use the admin site to do much. After they 
|are up and running, you will bring out either RDP or VMRC for 
|doing all administration of the guest OS, and at that point 
|the performance is very much independent of where the admin 
|website is located.
|To directly answer your question (:)), I have not measured the 
|performance personally. I have not had a reason to, given that 
|my typical use for the admin website is as I have described above.
|Hope I make sense.
|Dèjì Akómöláfé, MCSE+M MCSA+M MCP+I
|Microsoft MVP - Directory Services
|www.readymaids.com - we know IT
|Do you now realize that Today is the Tomorrow you were worried 
|about Yesterday?  -anon
|From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Phil Renouf
|Sent: Wed 10/19/2005 10:35 PM
|To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
|Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] Virtual Servers in Branch Offices
|Yeah, I was just wondering if you saw any issues with putting 
|it on a box across a WAN link. I have never looked into that 
|before so I was just wondering your opinion on it for my own curiosity.
|On 10/19/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
|       I don't get your drift. There is no requirement for the 
|web server to be in
|       the same location as the virtual server. 
|       Sincerely,
|       Dèjì Akómöláfé, MCSE+M MCSA+M MCP+I
|       Microsoft MVP - Directory Services
|       www.readymaids.com - we know IT
|       www.akomolafe.com 
|       Do you now realize that Today is the Tomorrow you were 
|worried about
|       Yesterday?  -anon
|       ________________________________
|       From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of 
|Phil Renouf
|       Sent: Wed 10/19/2005 8:07 PM
|       To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
|       Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] Virtual Servers in Branch Offices
|       Would you put the admin site on a server not at that location?
|Because if you
|       wouldn't then that won't help much since if you had 
|another server to put the
|       admin site on at the remote location then that would be 
|a good place to put 
|       the f/p services.
|       Phil
|       On 10/19/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
|              You can separate the 2 roles. You can put the 
|admin site on a non-dc 
|       server.
|              Sincerely,
|              Dèjì Akómöláfé, MCSE+M MCSA+M MCP+I
|              Microsoft MVP - Directory Services
|              www.readymaids.com - we know IT
|              www.akomolafe.com
|              Do you now realize that Today is the Tomorrow 
|you were worried about
|              Yesterday?  -anon
|              ________________________________
|              From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 
|behalf of Al Mulnick
|              Sent: Wed 10/19/2005 6:32 PM
|              To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
|              Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Virtual Servers in 
|Branch Offices
|              Strange, I was just having this conversation 
|today with a co-worker.
|       :)
|              My thoughts?  I'd say make it a GC and put the 
|f/p in the virtual. 
|       Why?
|              because you still need to protect the physical, 
|but the virtual you
|       can give
|              out access to.  The downside is that the virtual 
|machine requires IIS
|       (in
|              Microsoft products) meaning you have a vector 
|for attack. But nothing 
|       that
|              requires changing the security otherwise for the GC.
|              I prefer not to put IIS on a GC for security 
|reasons, but if you can
|       get away
|              without it then I should think that this method 
|would provide greater 
|       ability
|              to secure it.  Keep in mind that physical access 
|is still warranted.
|       It's
|              just that you wouldn't have to worry about 
|somebody taking the GC
|       home on a
|              USB key like they otherwise could ;) 
|              It's not pretty no matter which way you turn 
|IMHO.  Could be better.
|              Al
|                     -----Original Message-----
|                     From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|              [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
|Behalf Of Noah Eiger
|                     Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 11:42 AM 
|                     To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
|                     Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Virtual Servers 
|in Branch Offices
|                     I assume you are refering to the fact 
|that the the host could 
|       be
|              compromised over the network and the virtual 
|hard drive or virtual
|       machine
|              itself simply copied. (Just for the record, this 
|is covered in the
|       white
|              paper. Did not mean to imply that it is not. 
|Security in this respect 
|       is
|              refered over to NTFS permissions).
|                     So given that you could have a single 
|physical machine at a
|       branch
|              office and that you must have a DC and F/P 
|service, what is the
|       prefered 
|              configuration?
|                     -- nme
|                     P.S. thanks for keeping this thread going.
|              ________________________________
|                             From: Dean Wells [mailto:
|                             Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 8:42 PM
|                             To: Send - AD mailing list
|                             Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Virtual 
|Servers in Branch 
|       Offices
|                             "Does placing the DC inside a 
|virtual machine add any
|              security? Would it be harder for someone with 
|physical access to
|       compromise
|              the DC? The white paper does not really make 
|this clear. Also, I am 
|       assuming
|              that a host machine would be a domain member, 
|right? Does it
|       authenticate off
|              the virtual DC?"
|                             <Dean>
|                             Virtual DCs effectively weaken 
|the broader-definition 
|       of
|              security in a number of ways including the 
|context of physical access
|       ...
|              this is due primarily to the relative ease with 
|which the entire DC's
|       state
|              can be duplicated, subsequently, becoming 
|portable and reproduced in 
|       a
|              running state elsewhere with little to no effort.
|                             The host machine has no bearing 
|... it's rather like
|       saying
|              "the rack in which the server is physically 
|housed has to be a domain 
|       member"
|              (or any further extension of that particular 
|metaphor).  Keep in mind
|       the VM
|              (for the most part) doesn't even realize it's virtual.
|                             </Dean>
|                             -- 
|                             Dean Wells
|                             MSEtechnology
|                             * Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|              <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
|<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >
|                             http://msetechnology.com 
|              ________________________________ 
|                             From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|              [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ] On 
|Behalf Of Noah Eiger
|                             Sent: Friday, October 14, 2005 12:01 PM
|                             To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
|                             Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Virtual 
|Servers in Branch 
|       Offices
|                             Thanks for the thoughts. And 
|thanks Tony for the
|       reference --
|              just finished reading it.
|                             Unfortunately, deploying the DC 
|at HQ or simply
|              authenticating over the WAN is not really an 
|option. The WAN links
|       are ok
|              (and getting better) but are located in places 
|where environmental
|       (as in the
|              weather) conditions often cause short interruptions. 
|                             Does placing the DC inside a 
|virtual machine add any
|              security? Would it be harder for someone with 
|physcial access to
|       compromise
|              the DC? The white paper does not really make 
|this clear. Also, I am 
|       assuming
|              that a host machine would be a domain member, 
|right? Does it
|       authenticate off
|              the virtual DC? [1]
|                             Thanks again.
|                             -- nme
|                             [1] This sort of reminds me of 
|the scene in Animal 
|       House when
|              they talk about the "whole universe as we know 
|it existing under the
|              fingernail of some other giant being..." Whoa, dude!
|              ________________________________
|                                     From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|              [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|                                     Sent: Thursday, October 
|13, 2005 12:48 AM 
|                                     To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
|                                     Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] 
|Virtual Servers in
|       Branch
|              Offices 
|                                     Other important factors 
|in this scenario must
|       be the
|              physical and logical security of the server 
|housing the DC role.
|                                     1. Will the server be 
|securely locked away in 
|       the
|              branches? If not, do not deploy a DC.
|                                     2. Do you trust the file 
|server admins to have
|              physical access to the server hosting the DC role?
|                                     3. Who administers the 
|server that hosts the 
|       file and
|              DC roles? Are they also trusted?
|                                     When designing the branch 
|office, I would
|       always ask
|              the questions below, too:
|                                     1. Is a local DC 
|required? i.e. what are the
|              drawbacks if a DC is not deployed?
|                                     2. Is logon/startup 
|traffic over the WAN
|       larger than
|              replication traffic over the WAN? If not, 
|consider not deploying a 
|       local DC.
|                                     3. Does a local DC offer 
|redundancy in the
|       event of a
|              WAN failure? If other apps are accessed over the 
|WAN, then consider
|       deploying
|              the DC at a central location and not at the branch. 
|                                     hth,
|                                     neil
|                                     ___________________________
|                                     Neil Ruston
|                                     Global Technology Infrastructure 
|                                     Nomura International plc
|              ________________________________
|                                     From:
|              [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On 
|Behalf Of Tony Murray
|                                     Sent: 13 October 2005 01:12
|                                     To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
|                                     Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] 
|Virtual Servers in
|       Branch
|              Offices
|                                     Here's a link to a 
|Microsoft document that 
|       covers
|              what you need to do to run a production DC on 
|Virtual Server 2005.
|                                     http://tinyurl.com/5enjd
|                                     Tony 
|              ________________________________
|                                     From:
|              [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ] On Behalf Of Noah Eiger
|                                     Sent: Thursday, 13 
|October 2005 11:30 a.m.
|                                     To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
|                                     Subject: [ActiveDir] 
|Virtual Servers in Branch
|              Offices
|                                     Hi -
|                                     Just to follow up on the 
|design thread.... 
|       Since I am
|              placing DCs in small branch offices is there a 
|value in using Virtual
|       Server
|              2005 to create separate virtual boxes (DC & file 
|server) running on
|       the same
|              physical box? Some users have administrative 
|access to the file 
|       server, and
|              I'd love to keep them off the DCs. I am also 
|curious about optimal
|       physical
|              and virtual drive configurations for such a box.
|                                     I reviewed the thread 
|here about Virtual 
|       Domain
|              Controllers but it seemed to focus on using them 
|as backups. I am
|       talking
|              about production.
|                                     Any thoughts most welcome.
|                                     -- nme 
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