Instead of hijacking another thread I'm going to start my own ;)

What I've seen recently and was pretty surprised: A customer of mine had incomplete netlogon.dns-files, they had some of the records which were supposed to be there but not all. On some DCs about 50% of the netlogon.dns was missing.

Really bad about this is that the tools like dcdiag only test the content of the netlogon.dns against the DNS-Service, and that the netlogon-process does not check the content of the netlogon.dns without any changes unless the file is missing. So the customer had missing DNS-Informations for ages and never noticed it - not everyone is digging around in DNS and knows what's supposed to be there ;)

DCs were W2k SP4.

Anyone seen this before? OK - I've already fixed it by renaming netlogon.dns and restarting netlogon, but I'm curious if anyone has ideas where this might come from and if anyone has seen it before.

Gruesse - Sincerely,

Ulf B. Simon-Weidner

  MVP-Book "Windows XP - Die Expertentipps":


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