Speaking of SamAccountName...If they are using LDAP bind for authentication, then it depends on what type of bind they are doing. For LDAP simple bind (hopefully combined with SSL or it is not secure!), AD supports:
NT account name (domain\user with "user" being the sAMAcountName and domain being the NetBIOS domain name)

For secure bind using SASL with SPNEGO (Windows auth LDAP bind), AD supports:
NT account name (domain\user with "user" being the sAMAcountName and domain being the NetBIOS domain name)

For that reason, I generally recommend that people use UPN or NT name as a bind user name because it works with both. DN is also unwieldy and reveals a lot of the structure of the directory that apps don't necessarily need to know.


Joe K.
----- Original Message ----- From: RM
To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2006 12:12 AM
Subject: [ActiveDir] Speaking of SamAccountName...

Guys, I have a dumb question.. A 3rd party app that uses LDAP for authentication... What attribute should be utilized for username? SamAccountName is the pre-Windows 2000 name. DistinguishedName is the long form OU/CN gobbledygook. So what is the name of the attribute for the actual user logon name?
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