Tony Murray wrote:
Hi Yann

One option would be to enable logging of all LDAP searches against the DC.

This is useful information. Wish I would have had it on Monday when our MIT KDC/KCA was having problems getting info out of AD. Ended up using tcpdump to watch the connections. Couldn't see the actual queries as they were encrypted.


Hello ,

I need advices about troubleshooting LDAP connections to one of my DC in my AD2k3.

An application named ZOPE running on a linux box accesses my DC.

Users use a web page, via ZOPE application, that connect to my DC to list users information. Sometimes, users are disconnected to my DC and the admin that is responsible for the ZOPE app. called me to resolve this issue.

What are the different steps to tshoot possible problem with LDAP connections to my DC ?

Thanks in advance for help,


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