I'll be really interested to know if the underlying protocol for talking to Exchange remotely is any different than webdav in the next release. I admit to not having looked at the Power Shell stuff for Exchange yet, so I have no idea. I kind of hate programming Exchange, so I tend to avoid it.

If there is a different protocol, then there might be hope that non-Power Shell programmers will have a "way in" as well. There may also be an underlying provider that provides access to features than the default wrappers in PS. There is a chance that would be managed code though, so I'm sure that would be a big frown for you. :) I do think we'll see more and more of that kind of thing though (APIs written in managed code with no straight C bindings).

As far as PS itself is concerned, I'm pretty excited about it. It is a very cool shell with a lot of interesting features. It is also pretty intensely geeky, so I think the learning curve is going to be pretty steep for a lot of people.

Joe K.
----- Original Message ----- From: "joe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org>
Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2006 8:44 AM
Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] OT: Command line for exchange

Yeah that doc is supposed to be about what they are doing with MONAD for
Exchange. I, for one, based on some EHLO blog posts am concerned about its
functionality and how it will work in large environments. I will try to
download and read that doc to see if it has any meat in it but most Exchange
docs tend to shy away from implementation details and you have to actually
get the tools out and do things with it and watch closely what it does.

My main concern so far based on what the Exchange team indicated was that
this command line stuff is going to be just as fat as the GUI stuff in terms
of traffic which will actually be felt in a worse way because with the GUI
you tend to pick and choose what you want and command line you are usually
trying to hit mass quantities. It sounds like if you say wanted one little
piece of info for every mailbox, say mailbox last logon date or something
you would have to pull back ALL info for the mailbox and then just display
the little bit of info you want. That will be fine in small LAN environments
with small numbers of users (say thousands or less) but in a large
environments with tens or hundreds of thousands of users or millions of
users or working across slow WAN links that is going to be lacking
considerably. If you you thought WMI slow... Just wait!

I hope it doesn't turn out that way but I don't have a lot of faith in
MSFT's large scale management strategies and tools for the most part.
Especially in the Exchange realm. I haven't seen a larger company yet (read
company > 100k users) that could actually use the MSFT Exchange management
tools to do the needed work and even smaller companies tend to run pretty
inefficiently using the tools.

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