Sure, I saw the message and remembered that we were still using a disclaimer script for this, so I thought I'd offer some help, but a word of caution about the fact that the script can get tricky.

With only that many users, many of those problems might never show up. We have a few more users than that (ok, 4 orders of magnitude!), so we see a lot of weird stuff that is hard to even imagine when you are testing the code. :)

The product is probably a better choice, especially if it is cheap.

We really did try to buy a product to do this as we wanted more features and fewer problems (or someone else to blame them on), but only the script had reasonable performance. Everything else brought our gateways to their knees and had to be disabled. I was shocked by this actually. :)

Joe K.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Susan Bradley, CPA aka Ebitz - SBS Rocks [MVP]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 9:24 PM
Subject: Re: [ActiveDir] OT - Adding disclaimer on E2K3 on a SBS 2K3 box

This is an SBS box..... we may have performance problems.. but it's certainly not caused by a SMTP sink event on that Exchange server ;-) Remember at the most we're only hosting 75 users/devices on that server with a max of 75 gigs (remember no snickering from the Enterprise folks) of Store.

(and reading his message.. see why I went with Policypatrol?

Joe Kaplan wrote:
We actually use a script at work after having tried a few products and having terrible performance problems. If you are interested, I'll ping one of the exchange guys and see if he can provide a little direction.

Once you actually get it working from a plumbing standpoint, the script itself is actually a bit trickier to implement than the trivial sample MS shows. You have to decide if you are going to put HTML into HTML body parts, text into text body parts, both into messages that have both, and what to do about signed messages, as the disclaimer will change the data and invalidate the digital signature. You also need to be careful you don't screw up the encoding of messages in non-ASCII or ISO-8859-1 character sets. You can also decide if you want to add the disclaimer to messages that already contain it (sometimes mail routing may cause a message to hit the sink more than once) or not, and if you care about that, how do you decide if the disclaimer is in there? :)

Ours still has some issues with a few of these points, but some of the problems were too tough to deal with for the people who were trying to solve them, so they just slid.

Joe K.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Bart Van den Wyngaert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "ActiveDir" <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 3:41 PM
Subject: [ActiveDir] OT - Adding disclaimer on E2K3 on a SBS 2K3 box

Hi guys,

I'm having trouble with adding a disclaimer on E2K3 on a SBS 2K3 box.
I'm using the EventSink with a .vbs to add the disclaimer. The box is
configured with a default SMTP server and a SMTP connector which
forwards all external email to the SMTP of the ISP.

Anybody who has done the trick already? If so, can you please tell me
the little secret for this? *g*

Many thanks to all,
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