I would say that you are probably safe to use it yourself but I wouldn't be
giving it out... Of course that is a completely non-legal joe can't speak
for anyone except joe response. :) 

O'Reilly Active Directory Third Edition -

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark Parris
Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2006 1:29 PM
Cc: ActiveDir.org
Subject: [ActiveDir] (OT) Age of Directories

I have found a copy of this product on a old ZIP drive - this programme was
given to me by its author Micky Balledellii before it's incorporation into
OpenView but basically it's a visualisation of all sites and connectors and
DC info - anyone out there from Compaq\HP know if I am still officially
allowed to use it? Everyone who attended Teched Amsterdam 99/00 (not sure)
was allowed to mail him for a copy so it was widley available - but perhaps
nobody understood the product and only I asked for a copy - who knows?

Under the English Channel.
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