Hello joe,

 Adding the vbscript to the logon script would do the trick.

 For the rest, it also depends where you live. In France, you can't
 just open the employees mailboxes. Our laws protect individual's

 Companies sometimes prefers uses using the company mailboxes for
 personal use than having users opening mails on webmail, which may
 contain virus & co (going through smtp gateway allow more protection
 against virus, instead of just having the workstation antivirus as
 the only shield).


Monday, August 28, 2006, 3:45:31 PM, you wrote:

j> This sounds kooky. What does the customer intend to do with the rest of the
j> mailbox or how do they intend to specially treat the private folder? What
j> about the calendar and tasks? Private or not? 

j> Currently there really isn't a good technical solution to this. About the
j> best is that you tack onto the end of the script you use to mailbox enable
j> users and it logs into the mailbox so it gets instantiated and then creates
j> the folder; you can't specify Exchange to create a folder once the mailbox
j> is instantiated later. As Brian indicated, you also can't set a quota on the
j> folder. 

j> Now with the above you still have the issue of people not using your script
j> to mailbox enable users (or say doing a mailbox reconnect) so at some point
j> you would have to be scanning mailboxes looking for that folder and adding
j> it if missing. Depending on the number of mailboxes this could be something
j> that has to be constantly running because it can take a long time to log in
j> and check all of those mailboxes. Personally I hate writing scripts that
j> loop through all mailboxes like that as they always seem to get screwed up
j> after a bit. The whole programmatic aspect of Exchange mailboxes and logging
j> into them, etc is flakey and slow, IMO. 

j> Probably the better solution is just to tell people, hi, if you get private
j> or personal email, create a folder called private and put it in there. The
j> rest of your mailbox is not considered private and we will be xxxxxxx. Where
j> the xxxxxx is whatever it is the customer intends to do with the rest of the
j> mailbox or how they expect to treat the private folder differently from the
j> rest of the mailbox. 

j> Personally again, I say it is all kooky. IMO, when you really get down to
j> it, none of a business mailbox is private/personal. The company can go into
j> any part of any mailbox any time they want. They have legal obligations to
j> do so in some cases and in other cases it could become necessary for
j> troubleshooting. If the customer thinks administrators will just avoid those
j> folders when working on mailboxes they are almost certainly wrong, if
j> anything, if you have an admin who does that kind of perusing, that would be
j> the first place they would go hunting in. 

j> --
j> O'Reilly Active Directory Third Edition -
j> http://www.joeware.net/win/ad3e.htm 

j> -----Original Message-----
j> Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 5:00 AM
j> To: ActiveDir@mail.activedir.org
j> Subject: RE: [ActiveDir] Add folder with quota to existing mailboxes - via
j> scripting or tool

j> Thanks Brian and Mathieu,

j> I will tell a little bit more about the background of this. The 
j> customer has asked for a folder called "private" to be created in the 
j> root of every users mailbox and if possible set a quota to this folder.

j> After this has been done, the customer wants to instruct his users to 
j> use only this folder only as their personal/private email folder and 
j> move everything that the users sees as being private, to the private 
j> folder. From that moment on, all other folders in the users mailboxes 
j> are no longer considered as private/personal.

j> I do have some additional questions:

j> - how would the script look if the requirement would be to create the 
j> folder in the root.

j> - The way the script is set up now, do I have to set up which users 
j> this script will apply to, I mean will it now apply to all users in the
j> entire domain which are mailbox enabled?

j> - Is there any way that I can specify which users this script has to be
j> applied to, I mean can I run it against all mailbox enabled users in a
j> specific OU?

j> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
j> -------
j> Re[2]: [ActiveDir] Add folder with quota to existing mailboxes - via 
j> scripting or tool
j> Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 00:24:47 +0200 

j> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
j> --------

j> Hello Victor,

j> If the folder already exist, it will simply do nothing, except going 
j> into errors..

j> need to add a on error resume next or test if the folder exist before.

j> will create  in the inbox, as a subfolder

j> I don't see your goal with this folder...except if you turn special 
j> rights on it.

j> may ask them to put it [private] in the subject instead (it will work 
j> for the sent folders)

j> Regards,

j> Mathieu CHATEAU

j> http://lordoftheping.blogspot.com

j> Sunday, August 27, 2006, 10:26:59 PM, you wrote:

j> Thanks Mathieu, nice.

j> Does this create a folder in the root of the  mailbox?
j> Access all mailboxes you say, that sounds logical. I know  that
j> domain admins indeed dont actually have the full mailbox access (they 
j> have  some denies).

j> What if a user already has the folder, does this script  take this into
j> account?

j> Again thanks.

j> Victor

j> From: Mathieu CHATEAU [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

j> Sent: zondag 27 augustus 2006 22:04
j> To: Victor  W.


j> Subject: Re: [ActiveDir]  Add folder with quota to existing
j> mailboxes - via scripting or  tool

j> Hello Victor,

j> you will at least need an account that can access all mailboxes (not a
j> domain  admins one)

j> (or give a script to everyone that they will execute)

j> To my knowledge, quota is mailbox based. You may set up a special 
j> retention  on this folder.

j> sample _vbscript_ to create the private folder

j> set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")     
j> set inbox = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI").getDefaultFolder(6) 
j> set temp5 = inbox.folders.add("Private",6) 

j> hope it helps,

j> Regards,

j> Mathieu CHATEAU

j> http://lordoftheping.blogspot.com

j> Sunday, August 27, 2006, 8:57:03 PM, you wrote:

j> Does anybody know what is the 'best' way to add       

j> automatically a folder to existing mailboxes and set a quota on that 
j> same folder?

j> We would like all our users to get a folder called       

j> "private" added to the root of their mailbox and if possible, a quota 
j> to be set to that folder.

j> Can this be done by scripting easily or is there perhaps

j> even a tool which is capable of doing this?

j> This also counts for new, still to be created users. I mean, every user
j> that will be created will have to have that certain folder added to his
j> or her mailbox.

j> Offcourse this could be done by running the script a       
j> couple of times a day, checking if the folder exists allready and

j> if not, adding it. Or perhaps it can even by realised the

j> moment a user has been created.
j> Any ideas are greatly appreciated.
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