Hi all
Just a couple of things.
  1. I will be out of the country for three weeks from tomorrow, with only intermittent access to email.  While I am away Matty Holland will be looking after the list.  If you see any problems or need help with unsubscribing, etc. then Matty is your man ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).  Please play nicely while I'm away or I won't bring you a present. ;-)
  2. I am aware of the ongoing list latency problems and am awaiting a response from my ISP.  Hopefully it will be resolved shortly.  I suspect it might be related to volume as we the number of subscribed users has grown quite sharply over the past few months.
  3. You may have noticed the recent time-out issues with the archive hosted at ActiveDir.org.  The experiment we had with using Mhonarc for archiving largely failed due to the poor performance.  We are working on a new archive using a different method and this should be available shortly.  In the meantime, please use the off-site archive at http://www.mail-archive.com/activedir@mail.activedir.org/
  4. Finally, a reminder that you can subscribe to the list with the "No mail" (aka post-only) option, which is useful if you have a public folder subscribed to the list but also want to be able to post (but not receive mail) using your own address.  If you want me to set you up for this, just let me know (but bear in mind that I may not get around to it immediately, because I'll be on the beach - ha ha ha).
ActiveDir.org general dogsbody.

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