
On 6/14/06, Brian McCallister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Jun 14, 2006, at 10:53 AM, Hiram Chirino wrote:

> So here's a link to everything that is in the spec currently:
> http://stomp.codehaus.org/Protocol
> It's a WIKI so you can edit it and improve the spec.  I think that a
> the big missing piece in the spec is that there is no specification of
> how STOMP messages get mapped to JMS messages.  Since this is missing,
> there is no provider independent way of sending JMS messages from
> STOMP.  Since every implementation could map a STOMP message to JMS
> messages differently.
> I think we need to add a "STOMP Message to JMS Message Mapping"
> section that providers SHOULD comply with if the provider also
> implements a JMS interface.  The great part is since this is missing,
> you can make this whatever you want!

Appendix, not part of the spec itself. If for no other reason than
ActiveMQ will not be compliant as the current hackjob I implemented
and we are now discussing how to fix is definitely not spec-worthy =)

Once we have a few implementations and people have worked with it we
can consider moving it from appendix into stomp 1.1 proper.
Enshrining one technique now would be like enshrining a set of rules
for O/R mapping eight years ago.



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