I'm having trouble running the generators (I'm trying to port my
old-style generation scripts to the new style).  In a fresh checkout
of 4.1.0, I run:

mvn antrun:run

in the root directory, and get:

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Error executing ant tasks

Embedded error: taskdef class 
org.apache.activemq.openwire.tool.JavaGeneratorTask cannot be found

Running from activemq-openwire-generator doesn't help - that runs with
no errors but doesn't appear to do anything productive either.  Can
you shed some light here?


From: "Hiram Chirino" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Openwire Generator Changes
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 19:14:05 -0800

> For all you who are interested in openwire...
> I have just checked in some changes for the openwire generators.  They
> are now 100% java based.  This should make them easier to grok and
> maintain / refactor.
> I have also updated the pom.xml files for all the modules that use
> openwire generated marshalers so that the marshaller code is generated
> when you run:
> mvn antrun:run
> Since the generators use the java sources of the activemq-core module
> when generating the marshallers, the default location configured in
> the pom.xml may not work for you.  You may need to set the
> activemq-core-dir property to the directory location where it is
> checked out to.  For example:
> mvn antrun:run -Dactivemq-core-dir=../../../activemq/activemq-core
> -- 
> Regards,
> Hiram
> Blog: http://hiramchirino.com

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