Our company is still pretty deeply entrenched in svn, so I haven't ventured
too far into the world of git just yet. However, this may provide me with
the kick in the pants that I've needed. :)

I'll check out github and start adding patches there.


> From: Jacob Maine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2008 11:38:20 -0700 (PDT)
> To: <activewarehouse-discuss@rubyforge.org>
> Subject: [Activewarehouse-discuss] ActiveWarehouse patches
> Hi all,
> Over the last few months, I've done some work on activewarehouse and
> activewarehouse-etl.  You can review the changes or get the code at
> http://github.com/mainej.
> My main focus was on slowly changing dimensions, although I ended up patching
> lots of other things.  I've extended the SCD specs and fixed a number of bugs,
> including some pointed out on this list by Martin Honermeyer.
> Anthony's github repository has most of the same updates, although I haven't
> asked him to pull from me recently.  If you plan on using the activewarehouse
> patches, you'll also need the patches in adapter_extensions.
> We've been running a nightly incremental load for about a month, with type 1
> and 2 slowly changing dimensions, and one accumulating snapshot fact.   The
> ETL seems to be going smoothly.  If you end up using my patches and notice
> problems, let me know and I'll see if I can help.
> It would be great if other people could contribute to AW via github.  It's a
> convenient way to share patches.  Darin Wilson - you mentioned a patch you put
> together recently - would you be willing to post it on github?
> Best,
> Jacob Maine
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