Sorry, on ubuntu, not OSX. Did ruby + gem install the way we're supposed to on ubuntu--it's been fine.


Matthew Williams wrote:
If you rename /usr/bin/gem to /usr/bin/ (are you running OSX?
Did you compile Ruby to be in /usr/local yourself?) then you should
immediately fall back on your /usr/local/bin install.

I've been bitten by that far too many times....

On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 8:36 PM, Denis Haskin <> wrote:
~$ which gem

But I think your suggestion about possible multiple gem locations might be
valid.  A couple of times I have accidentally done 'gem install' instead of
'sudo gem install', but I thought I had cleaned up and re-done it each
time... I will investigate some more.



Anthony Eden wrote:
What does 'which gem' return? Is it possible that you have the two
locations where gems are being installed on your system?

I just ran the sudo rake reinstall locally and it worked fine (one I
installed the 0.5.0 version of adapter-extensions).


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