Hi guys,
in case that's useful to others - I took some time to push out a few tools
that I'm using all around the place:


   - CsvHelper – allows to:
      - extract csv columns names in a stable fashion
      - returns all the values of a specific column
   - FixedWidthFileDestination : if you’re outputting stuff to COBOL
   - DimensionMigrationHelper : useful for ActiveRecord migrations
   - French(Date/Time)DimensionBuilder : fine-grained date/time dimensions
   in french
   - EnsureFieldsPresenceProcessor : raises error as soon as one field is
   missing from a row
   - EscapeCSVProcessor : replaces \" by "" in hope FasterCSV will be able
   to munge your CSV afterwards
   - CleanUpTransform : like AW-ETL DecodeTransform, but leave the original
   value if no match is found


Thibaut Barrère
[blog] http://evolvingworker.com - tools for a better day
[blog] http://blog.logeek.fr - about writing software
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