
Plaza de las Letras
C/ Alameda, 15 · 28014 Madrid
+34 913 692 303


   Call for Projects and Papers*: Perifèries 11-12*

Perifèries, in collaboration with Medialab-Prado, issues a call for projects and papers for the Seny de Carrer (sentido de calle) workshop on the production and dissemination of knowledge through collective projects, local contexts and "down to earth" experiences, to be held in Valencia from June 4 to 8, 2012. With the participation of: Utopika, José Manuel Rodríguez Victoriano, Perifèries and Cooperativa Integral 15M. Deadline: March 24, 2012.[+info] <http://medialab-prado.es/article/convocatoria_proyectos_perifries_11-12>

*More information: http://medialab-prado.es*

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