Dear Adastrans,

Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre, working with Biosphere programme, has 
recently developed a new online map for 'The Living Coast' Biosphere region 
around Brighton and the Lewes Downs. You can read about the project on The 
Living Coast website, here:

Funded by a grant from Brighton & Hove's Environmental Sustainability Fund, the 
map brings together a range of environmental datasets and local information, 

*         Designated sites on land, including SSSIs, NNRs, LNRs and Local 
Wildlife Sites (formerly known as SNCIs)

*         Designated sites in the marine environment, including Marine 
Conservation Zones and Local Marine Sites (formerly known as marine SNCIs)

*         Marine and terrestrial habitats

*         Urban greenspaces

*         Access Land

*         Public Rights of Way

*         Local Greenspace Groups

The map also shows a selection of the best places to visit, to get a flavour of 
what The Living Coast has to offer, as described on The Living Coast website, 
here: But no 
doubt local Adastrans will already have their own favourite spots!

You can get straight to the map by clicking on this link: There's a black icon in the bottom 
left hand corner of the map, with arrows pointing out at each corner. If you 
click on this it should open the map 'full screen', and make it easier to 
navigate. Pressing the escape key ['Esc'] should take you back to your browser.

This is the first time that SxBRC has developed a public information tool like 
this - designed to make environmental information more accessible to local 
people - so we'd really appreciate your feedback. If you've got any comments on 
the content or functionality of the map, then please send them through to<>. We've tested it on a range of 
different browsers and devices. If you think the map isn't working as you'd 
expect on your device, it would be really helpful if you can tell us what 
device you're using, and what browser.

We really hope you'll find this tool useful; and we'd love to hear what you're 
using it for.

With best wishes,


Clare Blencowe
BRC Manager
Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre<> | 01273 497521


Sussex Wildlife Trust is a company limited by guarantee under the Companies 
Act. Registered in England, Company No. 698851. Registered Charity No. 207005. 
VAT Registration No. 191 305969. Registered Office: Woods Mill, Henfield, West 
Sussex BN5 9SD. Telephone 01273 492630

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