On Wednesday, 21 October 2015, Shahin Gharghi <sha...@gharghi.ir> wrote:

>> > They need IP more than every country and they can't have even ONE IPv6.
>> What's stoping Iranian LIRs getting an IPv6 allocation from the NCC?
> ​Iran has a lot of IPv6 allocation but can't announce any.

I think the answer expected was to clarify (for whomever is interested) why
Iran companies can't announce IPv6.

> ​
>> > Even they can't buy IP from outside of country because of sanctions.
>> Solving the sanctions problem isn't within RIPE's control.
> ​RIPE NCC can ease the process.​
> ​People mentioned Iran as instance, so I explained the situation.
> Community has to agree that Iran and similar countries are a part of
> community and they can see the proposals from their own view. ​
> ​You are talking about making IPv4 available in future, and one of the
> biggest user of IPv4 in future is Iran or similar countries, so it seems we
> have to look at them.
> Really ? We are all concerned about IPv6 future here and you think we
should focus on the IPv4 future ? Didn't we all agree that IPv4 is (should
be) dead ?

Again, what are you talking about sanctions ? As I mentioned Iran is the
largest importer of IPv4 space and it comes from all over the region.


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