I don't think. Even DNS operators (root and TLD) are normally using /24
for their anycast nodes - and DNS reachability is *critical* for
internet operation.

Also other services - like CDNs for Google, Facebook etc are using /24 -
and yes, those *large* service providers are fragmenting their prefixes
and increasing size of DFZ.

In the past, /24 was *normally* used for PI allocations even in RIPE NCC
region, and they're still active...

If someone filters prefixes due to limited HW resources in his own
equipmnet, he *always* has default route pointing to someone with full
(unfiltered) BGP view, where final routing decision is made. It's a
must, running network filtering /24 without default route pointing out
to upstream is technical suicide.

- Daniel

On 09/24/2017 12:09 PM, Servereasy wrote:
> as it could cause visibility/performance issues as lot of ISPs are filtering 
> /24s.

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