On 16.05.2018 14:19, JORDI PALET MARTINEZ via address-policy-wg wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been asked to state what is the problem.
> I think it was clear in my slides, but anyway, here we go with all the 
> problems I see:
> 1) The current policy text says "Providing another entity with separate 
> addresses (not prefixes)".
>  To me this is inconsistent addresses instead of an address vs not-prefixes.

I think I mentioned this on 2016-04 already; any single address is always a 
prefix as well, /128 in v6.

But your slide 3 shows nicely why I strictly oppose more meddling with this 
paragraph. We went from 42 words in »2.6 Assign« to 98 in the current policy 
text, which your proposal would boost to a staggering 134 words.
And that's without the necessary – but yet missing – definitions of 
»non-permanently« or what happens on links that are not »operated« by the 
assigment holder (i. e. a link a peer operates cannot use numbers from my 
assignment?). Not to mention the loophole that narrow band services are 
explicitely are allowed now — given 100 GBit/sec links are common these days, 
10 to 100 MBit/sec is definitely narrow band today, right?

But there is a point everyone seems to happily ignore: The text discussed last 
time, as well as this time, changes the basic definition of what an assignment 
is and "to assign" means. As such, that definition applies everywhere where the 
policy document talks about assignments.
Like e. g. in »5.4.3. Assignment to operator's infrastructure«: »An 
organisation (i.e. ISP/LIR) may assign a network prefix per PoP as the service 
infrastructure of an IPv6 service operator. Each assignment to a PoP is 
regarded as one assignment regardless of the number of users using the PoP. A 
separate assignment can be obtained for the in-house operations of the 

The more text we put into 2.6, the more difficult it will become to not violate 
the policy, for End Users, ISPs and even for LIRs. Any change to "2.6 Assign" 
applies to PA and PI space alike.

> 3) If we allow sub-assignments, what is then the difference in between IPv6 
> PA and PI ?

You are barking at the wrong tree. "2.6 Assign" applies to PI and PA and 
disencourages sub-assignments (of any assigned space) "to other parties" anyway.

> So, I think it is clear we have not just one problem?

I do not see a real problem with the text of ripe-699 – unless I start 
nit-picking and take the policy apart, word by word. If one *wants*, the 
*intention* of the policy can be understood. If one does not want to understand 
the intention, more words will simply make things worse, not better.


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