I'm trying to figure out if what I'm seeing is a legitimate SEGV -- that 
is, one based on the code being instrumented -- or a crash due to a build 
or run environment that is hostile to ASan.

The crash is happening in our code on a call to free(), and is showing up 
in ASan runs as a SEGV in _int_free().  The ASan-uninstrumented version 
does not crash in this location.

All the references to _int_free() and ASan that Googling reveals mention 
that dlopen()-ing an .so with RTLD_DEEPBIND makes one's program 
ASan-incompatible.  I do not believe we are using dlopen() at all, but this 
is still being investigated.  The program has quite a few external 
dependencies we need to look into.

So, my question is:  Is it possible that this _int_free() SEGV is just a 
vanilla crash that is somehow only coming up because ASan has slightly 
changed addresses or memory layout, etc.?

It seems unlikely, since the usual reasons for a crash in _int_free() are 
that the user wrote off one end of the allocated buffer being deleted, or 
that they confused malloc/free with new/delete.  As I understand it, ASan 
should have reported either of these errors before the SEGV could have 

Has anyone seen this particular failure in the absence of RTLD_DEEPBIND?

For reference, here is the actual ASan output:

$ app-name
==47276==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: SEGV on unknown address 0x000000000008 
(pc 0x003064a78d27 bp 0x5a00000200000008 sp 0x7fff5e959740 T0)
#0 0x3064a78d26 in _int_free (/lib64/libc.so.6+0x3064a78d26)
#1 0x21914d6 in CPtrListEx::Add(void*, void*, int, int, __POSITION*) 
#2 0x216fbce in 
CMessageFactory::RegisterPattern(CMessageFactory::tagMSGPTTN const*, 
unsigned long) 
#3 0xbb2e14 in tagMSGFACINIT::tagMSGFACINIT() 
#4 0xbb2da8 in __static_initialization_and_destruction_0 
#5 0xbb2dc3 in _GLOBAL__sub_I_MessageFactory.cpp 
#6 0x9c5c97c in __libc_csu_init 
#7 0x3064a1ecef in __libc_start_main (/lib64/libc.so.6+0x3064a1ecef)
#8 0x413d54 

AddressSanitizer can not provide additional info.
SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: SEGV (/lib64/libc.so.6+0x3064a78d26) in _int_free


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