On Wed, Sep 5, 2018 at 5:05 PM M. J. Everitt <m.j.ever...@iee.org> wrote:
> Are you using a custom Message Broker system, or something that would
> integrate with other tools, eg RabbitMQ, etc?
> Might be good for 'portability' and interaction with other tooling perhaps.

The plan is to use MQTT as the communication between the webhook/enqueue
server and the build servers. The build servers will subscribe to a MQTT topic
for their architecture, and the enqueue server will post new jobs/tasks to those
topics as necessary (this is actually the next step in development so I have not
worked out the details yet). When the build server finishes a build - success or
failure, it will post as such to a "completion" topic for its architecture.

I think another thing that needs fleshing out in this area is how
multiple build servers
of the same architecture will be handled - perhaps a build server can
post a message
so that it can "claim" a task before the other same-architecture build
servers get to it.

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