I'll give this a try when I get a chance. Thanks.

- Jeanne



Maybe I didn't copy the example properly. Here's a working (unworking) example I just tested:

   background-color: blue;

This won't show any change in the page as .AFLightBackground:alias will define the used background-color.

Simon Lessard
DMR Conseil Inc. (http://www.dmrconseil.ca)
Téléphone : (418) 653-6881

Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform 1.4

Jeanne Waldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
2006-07-05 18:52
Please respond to adffaces-dev

       To:     adffaces-dev@incubator.apache.org
cc: Subject: Re: Tr :Re: [Proposal] inhibiting css properties in skin definition file

Hello again,

I just ran your example of
    color: red;

    background-color: blue;
by putting this in the purple skin (purpleSkin.css file)

And I created a new skin called purpleExtension. In purpleExtensionSkin.css, I add this:
    color: yellow;

Then I created a purpleExtension skin that extends the purple skin by adding this in the adf-faces-skins.xml file:

And I added this to a .jspx demo:

<af:outputText value="HELLO THERE!" styleClass="someSelector"/>

And when the skin was purpleExtension it was blue background, yellow color.
And when the skin was purple it was blue background, red color.

So, it works for me.

- Jeanne

Jeanne Waldman wrote:

Hi there,

Yes, I have some comments (been busy).

First of all, it appears to be a bug that the skin's selector's property does not take precedence. We should submit an issue for this.

As for the other issues:
1) Add a new keyword like -super or -inherit that would make the current
selector inherit the properties defined by its parent
The skinning css file should work like css, in that it cascades the styles from the parent skins. So I think the -super is implicit, and we shouldn't have a -super keyword.

2) Add a -suppressProperty or -inhibit property to remove some items added
by calling a -super
- Jeanne -:
  This is the same as my proposal:
.bar {-ora-inhibit: text-align font-size color} // inhibit/reset/null
3) Add also a -suppressImport or -inhibitImport that would remove an
-ora-rule-ref from the parent.
- Jeanne -:
This is similar to the -ora-inhibit: all feature. We don't necessarily know what aliases our parent has included. It is much easier to inhibit all, then add back what you care about.

4) Give priority to the more specific over the more general relatively
the imported aliases.
  - Jeanne -:
I agree. I didn't think it worked this way, so it must be a bug. I'll want to do some tests of my own.


We would like to work on this improvement. Is there any comments about our suggestion ? If no, then we will proceed as indicated below. Otherwise, please let us know.

Eric Marcoux...
Fujitsu Consulting (http://www.fujitsu.com/ca/en/services/consulting/) <https://secure.dmr.com/go/www.dmrconseil.ca%29> Member of the quebec JUG (http://www.javaquebec.org) <https://secure.dmr.com/go/www.javaquebec.org%29>

Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform 1.4
Sun Certified Web Component Developer for J2EE
Sun Certified Business Component Developer for J2EE

-----Réacheminé par Eric Marcoux-QC/DMR/CA le 05/07/2006 03:21PM -----

   Pour : adffaces-dev@incubator.apache.org
   Date : 03/07/2006 08:33AM
   cc: adffaces-dev@incubator.apache.org, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Objet : Re: [Proposal] inhibiting css properties in skin
   definition file


   I just finished a project using ADF Faces and I have some insight
   to share
   about the problems we had with the skin.

   I like the inhitbit idea. However, I think the semantic of
   overriding a
   selector should be modified. More specifically, let examine the
   ADF Faces behavior.

   In Base skin definition let say we have

    color: red;

    background-color: blue;

   In customSkin.css we got

    color: yellow;

   Then, the resulting CSS will use

    color: red;
    background-color: blue;

   Which is a very odd behavior for two reason:
   It seems that the -ora-rule-ref get resolved after everything
   else, thus
   overwriting style placed in the overriden selector.
   With inhibit, you could suppress the background-color. However, I
   know if that's the best solution. Let think in OOP:
   What happen when you override a method? The parent method will
   never be
   called and thus, you'll never automatically inherit some
   treatment, unless
   you do a call to super.methodName.

   This would be, I believe, the best way to work with the skin as
   well since
   you don't have to know what properties are set by the parent.
   it's planned to be able to extends any skin in the future, I
   believe it
   will be hard for the framework users to know all the properties
   they need
   to suppress from the parent at first because of automatic
   inheritance of
   the parent skin's properties, they will have to execute the page
   and see
   the result, which seems counter-intuitive and unproductive.

   So, my suggestions for the skin facility would be:

   1) Add a new keyword like -super or -inherit that would make the
   selector inherit the properties defined by its parent
   2) Add a -suppressProperty or -inhibit property to remove some
   items added
   by calling a -super
3) Add also a -suppressImport or -inhibitImport that would remove
   -ora-rule-ref from the parent.
   4) Give priority to the more specific over the more general
   relatively to
   the imported aliases. That is:

Given we have 2 skins, parent.css and child.css defining the following


    someProperty1 : someValue1;
    someProperty2 : someValue2;
    someProperty3 : someValue3;

    -ora-rule-ref("selector: aliasParent:alias");
    someProperty1: someValue4;


    someProperty2 : someValue5;

    -ora-rule-ref("selector: aliasChild:alias");
    someProperty3 : someValue6;

   Then the resulting CSS for the parent skin would use for selector
    someProperty1 : someValue4;
    someProperty2 : someValue2;
    someProperty3 : someValue3;

   and the resulting CSS for child skin would use:
    someProperty1 : someValue4;
    someProperty2 : someValue5;
    someProperty3 : someValue6;

   Sounds good?

   Simon Lessard
   DMR Conseil Inc. (http://www.dmrconseil.ca
   Téléphone : (418) 653-6881

   Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform 1.4

   "John Fallows" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   2006-06-29 20:17
   Please respond to adffaces-dev

          To:     adffaces-dev@incubator.apache.org,
          Subject:        Re: [Proposal] inhibiting css properties in
   definition file

   On 6/25/06, Martin Marinschek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
   > +1 for the proposal in a whole
   > +1 for using inhibit - I like it more than reset or null

   Agreed.  +1 proposal, +1 inhibit.

   suggestion for ca new prefix-name: changing ora to oam (org apache

   Yes, this is another part of the repackaging effort.  Are we
   limited to 3
   chars here?


   > Martin
   > On 6/24/06, Jeanne Waldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
   > >
   > > Hi there,
   > >
   > >
   > > I have another skinning proposal. This is a useful feature
   that is in
   > > xss that I think we should port to skinning css. It is the css
   > > resetting feature.
   > >
   > > A bit of background first. Trinidad defines a base skin. We
   call this
   > > skin 'simple'. It defines basic, simple css properties for the
> > components. An application developer can create a skin, and
   > > automatically extends the simple skin. Think of the simple
   skin as a
   > > base class in Java. You can extend one skin from another, but
   they are
   > > all derived from the base skin.
   > >
   > > When a skin extends the base skin, it is ADDING style
   properties to
   > > base skin's style properties.
   > >
   > > Let's say the base skin defines the font-size for the
   > > af|inputText::label selector. This means that your skin will
   > > this font. Your skin can redefine font-size, and put a new
> > instead. But currently, you can't say, "I don't want any font-size
   > > specified on af|inputText::label".
   > >
   > > I'm proposing that we come up with a skinning syntax that
   allows the
   > > person writing a skin to do this.
   > >
> > We have this feature in the .xss syntax. In .xss, you'd do
   > >
   > > <style name="foo" resetProperties="true"/>
   > > or to reset one property, you'd do this:
   > > <style name="foo">
   > >      <property name="font-size"/>
   > > </style>
   > >
   > > How could we do this in css-syntax?
   > >
> > One proposal is to add a special property like our '-ora-rule-ref' > > property. (by the way, we'll need another discussion on whether to
   > > change the -ora- prefix, and what to change it to).
   > >
   > > Here is a proposal:
   > >
   > > .foo {-ora-inhibit: all}
   > > .bar {-ora-inhibit: text-align font-size color} //
   > > out these specific properties
   > >
   > > Let me know what you think.
   > >
   > > Thanks,
   > > Jeanne
   > >
   > >
   > >
   > >
   > --
   > http://www.irian.at <http://www.irian.at/>
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