We had a customer that wanted to put background images on our buttons. He couldn't do this with our buttons unless they had a container (I haven't tested this in ages, but I remember that he was right), so what
he did was wrap our command button in a afh:cellFormat and put a styleClass on 
The problem was that he couldn't style buttons that were rendered as a part
of another component, so some of his buttons had a gradient background and some didn't.
I recommend that we wrap our <button> html tag with
a <div> or something so that the skinner can put background images on the 

The following is how he skinned the commandButton:

   margin: 0px; padding: 0px;
   border-top: 1px solid #afc6d7; border-left: 1px solid #afc6d7;
   border-bottom: 1px solid #666666; border-right: 1px solid #666666;
   background-repeat: repeat-x; background-position: bottom left;
   background-color: #ffffff;
   text-align: center;
   vertical-align: middle;
   margin: 0px; padding: 2px 4px 2px 4px;
   border: 0px;
   background-color: transparent;
   font: 12px Tahoma, Helvetica, sans-serif;
   text-align: center;
   vertical-align: middle;

   <afh:cellFormat styleClass="ButtonCell">
      <af:commandButton text="#{webStrings.OK}"

Adam Winer wrote:

Oh, that...

That opens up a new topic:  what the heck should we do about
Trinidad button skinning?

As a little background:  ADF Faces had a large image-generation
subsystem code-named "Tecate" that took text, metadata, and
other images, and composited them into single images.  This
let us have fancy-looking buttons containing, for example,
translatable text.  Instead of trying to get thousands of button
images translated (which would have been a nightmare), developers
just got text translated as normal and Tecate did the heavy lifting
at runtime.

It was used for more than buttons - tabs and "global buttons" (now
hint="buttons" on navigationPane) also went through this system.

At a certain point, we decided this was just a bad idea, and that a
better approach was a straightforward HTML and CSS skinning
approach.  So, most of the code moved away from Tecate.

As of Trinidad, though, buttons were still left on it.  And, as a result,
we have the large org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.image package -
and all of the code in there - just for one simple feature.

I'd really like to come up with a simpler button skinning strategy,
and kill the "image" package altogether.  The simplest possible
strategy is just HTML along the lines of:

 <button class="af_commandButton>...</button>

-- Adam


Unless those exist and are not documented it would not work because the
button image is composed of 8 part, one background and one text all merged
together in a single image. So using CSS :hover and :active on the 9
selectors would not work. Furthermore if I remember well :hover and
:active works only for links under IE.

Maybe those are managed by the skin already but I never figured it out
though. Jeanne, can you confirm please?


"Adam Winer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
2006-08-16 16:47
Please respond to adffaces-dev

        To:     adffaces-dev@incubator.apache.org
        Subject:        Re: [Proposal] Skin hooks for mouseOver and

Isn't this just :hover and :active?

-- Adam

> Hello all,
> I just had a flashback from my ADF Faces project. In that project we
> wanted to use a different image on mouse over event. In the end we had
> use commandLink with an image and some JavaScript events instead. So my
> suggestion about button would be to add skin state hooks for mouseOver
> mouseDown occuring on buttons to improve their L&F and thus user
> experience.
> ¬Simon

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