I'm fine with keeping these private styles for now. We can make them public skinnable keys later if we want to.

Yee-Wah Lee wrote:


I'm working on issue ADFFACES-153 and would like to know if people have 
feedback on the following.

Summary of issue
 AccessKeyUtils decorates the accessKey by printing a HTML element around it. The HTML is passed in by caller Renderer classes, 
e.g. outputLabel uses <U> to generate text like <U>G</U>o to Sitemap. For links, <b> is used. For labels, 
<u> is generated. The proposal is to use CSS instead, e.g. <span class="AccessKeyStyle">G</span>o to 

What I've done so far:
Define global styles to replace <b> and <u>, i.e. font-weight: bold, text-decoration:underline. Modify the caller renderer classes to use corresponding style when calling the AccessKeyUtil method.
Feedback requested:
The 2 new styles are defined in the private section of base-desktop.xss. Should they be made available/moved to a different section?

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