I'm fine with making these public.
Really, to make these public the minimal thing we should do is to document these keys in skin-selectors.xml and to change the comment to say they are public instead of private. We can also change the name to have it start with 'AF' to be consistent with the other public keys.

- Jeanne

Jijun Wang wrote:

In base-desktop.xss, we have the following private styles:

     Private BIDI Styles:  Not sure if these are generally useful, but
     if so, these could be made public.

   <style name="FloatStart">
    <property name="float">left</property>
   <style name="FloatEnd">
     <property name="float">right</property>

   FOR RTL Mode:

   <style name="FloatStart">
     <property name="float">right</property>

   <style name="FloatEnd">
     <property name="float">left</property>

It would be useful to make them public. For example, if I want to

 af|foo: {
 float: left;

 af|foo:rtl {
 float: right

 I can define it in one place with the help of the skin key alias of
 af|float: {
 -tr-rule-ref: selector(".FloatStart:alias");

 Could we make the change to have FloatStart:alias and FloatEnd:alias?


 Jijun Wang

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