Please comment/approve:
Proposal: 1) use resource bundle for logging message in java files above fine level so those message could be localized; 2) localize part/all exception in java files with resource bundle

More information in local  language accessible for people in tech support, 
operation, deployment, field application etc whose software uses trinidad code

Trinidad-api and trinidad-impl will have their own LoggerBundle.xrts where 
message to be localized is defined. A LoggerUtils class will be added as a 
decorator in each project. LoggerUtils.createTrinidadLogger will return a 
TrinidadLogger instance with appropriate resource bundle attached.  Message 
localization in logging is thus available from java logging by inheritance. 
Localization in exception message is achieved by passing localized message to 
exception. For both logging and exception, server locale will be used. This 
might create inconsistency for exception when client locale and server locale 
are different.  Since an exception not captured would show both on server 
logger and client browser, using server locale is more practical.

Open Issues:
1) Current API in TrinidadLogger is not enough to handle logging that contains 
message, message parameters and throwable. e.g
_LOG.warning("Unable to instantiate converterClass:" + converterName, e);  
would become:
But we neither warning() nor logp() has API that would take (...String message, 
Object parm, throwable e) as signature. Should we add API or use 2 logging 
_LOG.warning("Unable to instantiate converterClass:" + converterName;
2) Should LoggerUtils provide some methods like public static String 
getMessage(TrinidadLogger logger, String key (, Object params([])?)?) to 
retrieve localized string from resource bundle(parameter substitution could 
also be done in the method). The alternative is to use 
TrinidadLogger.getResourceBundle.getString(key) to retrieve localized 
message(in this case no parameter substitution or we don't localize exception 
message that carries parameters)

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