El que fan els diners!

-----Forwarded Message-----
> From: Matthias Kirschner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Microsoft paid $10m directly to the top official of the CCIA
> Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2004 12:35:57 +0100
> Hi all,
> take a look at this; Microsoft bought the CCIA out of the antitrust case
> between Microsoft and the European Commission, where FSFE represents the
> SAMBA team and both together support the Commission [1].
> As Financial Times [2] and The Register [3] reported, they paid almost
> $10m directly to the top official of the Computer and Communications
> Industry Association (CCIA) as part of its settlement with the trade
> group.  
> The last paragraph [3]:
>   In a statement at the time, which makes more sense now, Ed Black said:
>   "Life is a constant reordering of priorities, and for important and
>   pragmatic reasons we are choosing to move on with regard to this matter.
>   Neither I, nor CCIA, can recant the many things we have said and filed
>   relating to Microsoft. Although we know and value the important role we
>   have played on this matter over the years, there are other current and
>   emerging matters which demand our attention." 
> If we were ever in the position of actually having $10m available for
> legal cases, we would not have to lose sleep about how to finance our
> lawsuits in defence of Free Software anymore. In fact, had Novell just
> given 1% of the extra they received because of our involvement, we would
> already be fine.
> Unfortunately it seems you are only paid for _not_ doing things.
> Best wishes,
> Matze
> [1] http://fsfeurope.org/projects/ms-vs-eu/
> [2] http://news.ft.com/cms/s/92c6495a-3dbd-11d9-abe0-00000e2511c8.html
> [3] http://www.theregister.co.uk/2004/11/24/microsoft_makes_millionaire/
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********* Xavier Amatriain ********
****** Music Technology Group *****
** IUA- Universitat Pompeu Fabra **
****** www.iua.upf.es/~xamat ******

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