On Tue, 31 Jan 2006, [iso-8859-15] Benjamí Villoslada wrote:
> Interessant!  Pots donar detalls? :)

Realment ho Ães d'interessant, us transcric l'anunci de la "prohibició" 
pq crec que val la pena:


Regarding the use of Skype:

A brief description of Skype operation is useful background. Skype
is a voice-over-IP service, providing telephone-like service via the
Internet. It is also promoted as supporting large file transfers and may
offer other bandwidth-intensive services in the future. Optional paid
service offerings support calls to/from the public switched telephone
network. It uses a piece of client software that attempts to make
peer-to-peer telephone calls. If a call cannot be directly established
with a peer (e.g. due to firewalls or NAT), the peers will relay their
calls through a third-party system. The third-party is another computer
with Skype software; the mere installation of Skype is sufficient to
launch the relay component, regardless of whether the Skype GUI (client
interface) is running.

The use of the university network is subject to UC policy, including
the Electronic Communications Policy (ECP). The campus network is a
university-owned resource in support of the university mission and
its associated business. The Skype End-User License Agreement (EULA)
includes a contractual grant of network bandwidth; the end user is not
authorized to make such an agreement on behalf of the university as
owner of the bandwidth. In addition, while the ECP makes an allowance
for incidental personal use, the operation of a personal server (e.g.
Skype relay) is beyond this incidental allowance. For these reasons, the
use of Skype is not permitted on the UCSB campus.

There are some secondary issues worth mentioning. One problem we have
observed is the abnormal increase in network bandwidth utilization and
intrusion detection alerts attributable to Skype installations. The
traffic is not due to the individual Skype user, but rather the inherent
relay function. Large numbers of inbound connections from foreign
countries are typical of compromised systems, but it also occurs with
some Skype systems. It should also be noted that Skype will create holes
("exceptions") in the build-in Windows XP firewall. If these exceptions
are disabled by the user, they will be re-enabled automatically the next
time Skype is started. This may prove to be an excellent vector for a

In summary:
  1) Skype's End-User License Agreement (EULA) requires the user to
grant use of university network bandwidth by Skype users otherwise
unaffiliated with the university, and end users are not authorized to
enter into this type of agreement on behalf of the university (i.e. the
owner of the resource).
  2) The operation of Skype's relay function is
not in compliance with university policy because (a) it provides service
to third-party people other than those conducing university business,
and (b) exceeds incidental personal use.
  3) Skype persistently alters host firewall settings and increases the
probability the computer will be compromised.


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