With the (hopefully!) final set of WE graphics arriving, it's time to
make sure mapedit is in a shape that allows everyone to use it with
relative ease. Just like with the modeller overhaul, I have a bit of a
todo list. Once it gets some use, I assume that additional features
and changes will be proposed that didn't occur to me.

Anyway, here's what I plan to do in roughly that order:

* UI cosmetics:
  As with modeller, make sure that the actual file being edited and
its modification state is shown in the title bar.
  Unlike modeller, implement a "Previous Files" submenu to quickly
access the last few opened files. (With modeller you rarely come back
to the same model, but you'll be editing one map for a long time)

* Better overlap checking and prevention
  Mapedit already checks to some degree for object overlap. However, I
think this is buggy when the height is not set to zero. It also does
not actually prevent placement of overlapping objects, it just gives a
visual indication. I want to fix the bugs with that and implement a
setting that disallows overlap by default (and a toggle change back to
the current behavior for the odd corner case). I also need to improve
the overlap detection, so that it works on individual shape level
instead of the whole object bbox.

* Matching objects filter
  Basically what has been suggested here:
  There would be a GUI in dlgedit that would allow to define matching
objects for each object and also specify their alignment, to connect
them seamlessly.

That TODO list should keep me entertained for the next few weeks, I
assume. Enough time to come up with more ideas.


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