Hi Kai,

Thanks for your help on IRC earlier. I think it was the missing libx11-dev
headers all along.

After adding them (and the OpenGL ones too), I rebuilt SDL, SDL_mixer and
then Adonthell.

worldtest now gets past the video mode bit (I'm also able to run SDL's
testsprite2 program successfully now), my screen briefly goes black but then
it exits. Judging by the output, it's can't find the map data:
cirrus@serenity:~/adonthell/engine-build/test$ ./worldtest -g ./ data
app::parse_args() called
  Program '/home/cirrus/adonthell/engine-build/test/.libs/lt-worldtest' has
4 args:
  [1]: '-g'
  [2]: './'
  [3]: 'data'
found option '103': setting Userdatadir to './'; was ''
found GAME parameter: 'data'
  Game: 'data'
  Backend: ''
  Userdatadir: './'
  Config: 'adonthell'
UserDataDir './data/' exists; using
GameDataDir: '/usr/local/share/adonthell/games/data/'
*** paths::exists: directory '/usr/local/share/adonthell/games/data/' cannot
be accessed!
reading /home/cirrus/.adonthell/adonthell.xml
worldtest starting up!
Initialising game modules...
app::init_modules() called
configuration::option: No option 'Scale' in section 'Video'
configuration::option: No option 'Width' in section 'Video'
configuration::option: No option 'Height' in section 'Video'
  audio::setup() called
set_audio_buffers(4096); was: 0
set_audio_channels(2); was: 0
set_audio_format(16); was: 0
set_audio_mixchannels(16); was: 0
set_audio_rate(44100); was: 0
  audio::init() called
    Initialising liblt...
  Couldn't init audio: No such audio device
  audio::init() failed
Setting video mode...
*** info: Set internal view to 640 x 512.
*** info: Set display size to 1280 x 1024.
Adding keyboard manager and listener...
Loading game data...
*** paths::open: file 'time.data' does not exist in search path:
  - ./data/
  - /usr/local/share/adonthell/games/data/
*** disk_writer_gz::get_state: cannot open 'time.data' for reading!
No map loaded, exiting

I feel like I'm close! :-)
I'm probably doing something stupid - is it the wrong path to the data?


   - James

On 1 May 2011, at 20:05, Kai Sterker wrote:

On Sun, May 1, 2011 at 8:05 PM, James Nash <cir...@twiddles.com> wrote:

I'll be around on IRC, so we might be able to figure this out in an
interactive way.

Anyway, a few notes up ahead:

You do not really need SDL 1.3. SDL 1.2 will be fine, you just won't
get hardware acceleration. But since you installed SDL 1.3 already,
where did you put it? Into /usr/local? Then you might have to copy the
contents of /usr/local/share/aclocal/ to /usr/share/aclocal, so that
autotools can pick up the macros for SDL.

With cmake, I'm not sure which version of SDL it has picked, but as
stated above, either should be fine.

The crash you are getting is not related to the configuration file. I
deleted the entire ~/.adonthell/ directory and on the first start, I

kai@kai-desktop:~/adonthell/adonthell-build/test$ ./worldtest -g
../../ wastesedge
I/O warning : failed to load external entity
E0501 20:51:44.183277  2324 configio.cc:258] config_io::read: errors
while parsing '/home/kai/.adonthell/adonthell.xml'
E0501 20:51:44.183395  2324 adonthell.cc:251] Error reading engine
configuration 'adonthell.xml'
there is no soundcard
E0501 20:51:44.874793  2324 screen.cc:132] *** info: Set internal view
to 576 x 432.
E0501 20:51:44.874858  2324 screen.cc:133] *** info: Set display size
to 1152 x 864.

and then it starts up normally.

The question is, do you have the glog stuff installed? In that case,
you might find more extensive logging under /tmp/lt-worldtest.INFO.
You can get logging to the console by adding


in front of the worldtest invocation.

If you haven't installed glog, you'll get more logging on the console by


instead of the above.

If neither helps to locate the error, you'll need to give it a try in
gdb and supply the stack trace. However, I've also upgraded to Ubuntu
11.04 yesterday and everything runs fine here.


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