Seems I've ran into a bit of trouble with my tag based filtering idea
for mapedit. I've attached the filter dialog I've implemented so far,
but I'd like to get some input on the underlying logic.

Basically, there are two ways to filter the list of map objects: show
only objects that "match" the current object, i.e. all objects that
could possibly be placed seamlessly next to the current object. Since
the meta-data for this feature would have to be supplied by the user,
I did not start on this type of filter yet. I've got some concept in
mind and I don't expect much trouble there.

I did start with the supposedly easier, tag based filtering, where the
components of the model path make up the tags attached to each model.
(In the future, this might be extended with user-supplied tags, too).
The result of the current model48/ content is shown in the filter
dialog screenshot (The Count column gives the number of models with
the given tag).

My idea was, to automatically exclude the "template" stuff from the
model list, but in a way that would be obvious to the user. So it's in
the list like a regular tag, but unchecked by default. Going with
that, the filter logic would have to be "hide all objects that contain
'template/' in their file path". But then I thought, when editing a
map, I might want to see all "inside" "walls". And it would be easier
if I could just check those two tags to narrow down the list. But that
would also include all the inside wall templates. And now I am stuck,
not really able to decide which route to go.

Maybe just hardcode the template stuff filtering and otherwise go with
the latter filtering logic?

Or there could be two columns of checkboxes, one for inclusion and the
other for exclusion. Then I could include "inside" "wall"s and exclude
"templates" at the same time (and "stone" and "mine" and "cave" walls
too, if I wanted), OTOH, perhaps I'd be better of to just filter for
"plaster" "walls" then.

Anyone got a better idea?

I've got some stuff to work on besides the filtering, so I'll let that
sit for a little and wait for your suggestions.


<<attachment: filter.png>>

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