2011/7/26 Kai Sterker <kai.ster...@gmail.com>:
> Change applied. Now it only needs to be documented somewhere on the wiki.
> So with that change, do you have everything installed in your home
> directory and running? If so, could be helpful to document the build
> parameters and environment variable settings used. Maybe somewhere
> here: http://adonthell.berlios.de/doc/index.php/Development:Compiling
> (although it starts getting a bit cluttered).

Yes, I have it in the home directory.
I think a good way would be to add an "Installing in custom folder"
section after "GNU Autotools based build", since none of the build
descriptions mention how to change prefixes. With cmake you have to
use -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/Username/some/path and
-DPYTHON_SITE_PACKAGE_DIR=/home/Username/python/path, then set
PYTHONPATH to /home/Username/python/path. With autotools it's a little
trickier, since if you set --prefix=/home/Username/some/path, then it
will sort of append the path to default python directory (in Fedora
/home/Username/some/path/lib64/python2.7/site-packages, but I have no
idea what it will be in other systems), so PYTHONPATH must be set
I didn't really set any other enviroment variables than PYTHONPATH
(specifically for adonthell, anyway), but I think setting PYTHONPATH
is adequately described on python's website. Did anyone have some
specific problems with PYTHONPATH?

Does the above description sound right?

> I do use it, but with the autotools build. So I believe I set it up as
> "Makefile Project with existing code", It's been quite a while,
> however, so I am not 100% certain. But I assume you tried an eclipse
> project as generated by cmake? And in case it matters, I'm using CDT
> 7.0.1 on Eclipse 3.6 (Helios). Haven't tried the latest and greatest
> yet.

I used "GNU Autotools project" from a plugin. There's no eclipse
support for cmake as far as I know. I use eclipse 3.7 so maybe there's
a regression (I think I found some complaints somewhere, but they were
about other things).

I'll look into the tasks you mentioned and see what I can do.


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