I've recently tried to run python tests from src/test and found out
that they can't find the libraries. Looking at
src/py-wrappers/adonthell/CMakeLists.txt I found out that
INSTALL_RPATH for the wrappers is set to ${LIB_INSTALL_RPATH}, but
that variable is not defined anywhere, which results in empty rpath.
The standard cmake variable for setting rpath is CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH.
Is there any reason why it is not used?

Anyway, I've added those lines to CMakeLists.txt:73
# the RPATH to be used when installing, but only if it's not a system directory
"${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib" isSystemDir)
IF("${isSystemDir}" STREQUAL "-1")
ENDIF("${isSystemDir}" STREQUAL "-1")
which I simply copied from cmake's wiki, and it works fine. I haven't
looked into autotools yet, I'll commit when I've done it.

As for the gui stuff, I'm don't really feel qualified to design it,
but I wanted to check the wrappers. But I've found that most of the
python tests don't work because they call nonexistent methods from the
wrapped modules. For example, guitest.py wants to create an instance
of gui.container, but dir(gui) doesn't show anything named so, and
guitest.cc (which works) uses completely different objects. You
mentioned that the c++ implementation is outdated (and the latest font
tweaking broke it for me) and that it should be implemented on the
python side. What exactly is to be done?

Also, the collision detection is really wonky at the moment - the
character slides down on stairs (even though the task of making stairs
climbable is marked as done), it's possible to climb walls by jumping
against them, etc. I could try fixing that next.


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