As you may have heard already, Berlios is going to shut down by the
end of this year:

Which means that by that time (preferably earlier) we'll need a new
space for the Adonthell Documentation Wiki. Right now I am pondering
two options:

* Set stuff up at I do believe I had a DB account
there (or can get one again) and it shouldn't be any problem to setup
PHP stuff there. Administration could be a bit of a pain, though.
* Actually pay for some webspace and move Adonthell stuff there. I
tried to avoid this for a couple of reasons so far, as setting up
stuff and keeping it running would take away more of my time better
spent on coding (and reading and gaming, obviously ;-)). OTOH, my wife
and I wanted to setup something for private stuff for quite some time,
so maybe I could look into an offer that would allow to run that and
Adonthell stuff both.

Any suggestions? Anyone knows what other projects with a Wiki at
Berlios are doing?


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