But I have heard that you can set up the 3 NIC cards to be independent for
the backups.

My problem is, when we kick off a backup, since these 3 NIC cards on a the
same VLAN, the switch drops the MAC address of the other 2 and thus, floods
the VLAN.

Any suggestions?

-----Original Message-----
From: Eugene Klaus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2000 10:14 AM
Subject: Re: NIC Question


That is the nature of ether net. All outgoing info is through your primary
You can receive on any of the three.

Gene Klaus

"Barth, Terry (MBS)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 11/20/2000 08:47:38

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

cc:    (bcc: Eugene A Klaus/Flagstar_notes)
Subject:  NIC Question

Hello All -

I have a sun solaris ADSM server that has 3 NIC cards. We would like to
utilize all 3 NIC cards for backups and restores, independently.  We set up
the cards according to SUN and everything seems fine on that end. However,
when a backup starts off, it sends all data through the first NIC card and
then when it receives data, it spans through all 3 cards. Our switch
recognizes all 3 cards, but as soon as a backup begins on one of the other
NICS - say for instance, 48.22, the MAC disappears and the switch no longer
recognizes the card.  We feel that there is something on the ADSM server
side that we need to set up so that if we tell a client to do a backup and
designate that the server has an IP address of xx.xx.48.22, that all
communications will go through this NIC card and not touch the others.


My question is, what is it that I need to set up on the ADSM server side, so
that it uses each NIC card independently.

I have placed the IP address in the opt file on the client end. Is there
something that I need to do on the server end?

Any assistance will be appreciated.



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