Thanks for great info!

q)  What kind of a client system are you using?
        - machine type
        - # of processors

q)  When you say "> don't multiplex with tdp" I'm not sure what you
        - Are you using TDP for SAP?
        - Why Not?



On 20 Mar 2001, at 10:59, Cook, Dwight E wrote:

> alter to go to diskpool first
> use tsm client compression
> don't multiplex with tdp
> run about 10-20 concurrent client sessions (based on processor ability)
> you should see about 4/1 compression
> you should see about 11.6 MB/sec data transfer (if things are really OK &
> processor can keep up)
> you should see your db backup in just over 2 hours...
> we have a 2.4 TB data base, use the above methods and push 600 GB (the
> compressed size) in 16 hours...
> we also have smaller ones we see the same rates with... such as a 200 GB
> that compresses down to about 60 GB and runs in  under 2 hours
> hope this helps...
> Dwight
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Francisco Molero [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 9:35 AM
> Subject: SAP and 3494 performance.
> Hello,
> I have a query about performance between a TDP for SAP
> R/3 under HP-UX and TSM Server with a 3494 library.
> The size of database is 350 GB and the connection is
> via tcpip (ethernet 100). I used the brbackup -c -t
> offline command and the bacukp is sent to tape pool in
> the library 3494. I have a private network and also I
> am using the compression parameter to yes in the
> client in order to improve the performance in the
> network. The backup takes 6 hours in backing up the db
> and this time is very high. I need to reduce it. the
> drives are 3590, and the format device class is DRIVE.
> Can someone help me about the parameters which can
> improve this performance ???
> Regards,
> Fran
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