Hello all!
Recently we started to use the Data Protection for SAP HANA client. I created a 
TSM node identical to the already existing Data Protection for SAP node and now 
customer reported that he received the following error message after a 
successful backup:

BKI8649E: The automatic deletion of backups is not supported. Change the value 
of the MAX_VERSIONS parameter to 0

I googled for the BKI8649E and stumbled across technote IT11810 which explains 
that versioning through the MAX_VERSIONS parameter is no longer supported. You 
now have to use TSM to control the retention for your SAP backups. That would 
be very nice if the TDP client was creating backup files on TSM and was working 
like the Oracle client (active files are kept forever until they are marked 
inactive by RMAN/TDP for Oracle). But the DP for SAP client creates archive 
files, so when you backup your SAP database, the files are kept for the amount 
of time set in the archive copy group. This means that if you have a copygroup 
setting of 14 days and you do not backup your database for 14 days for some 
reason, on day 15 you no longer have any backup available for recovery!!!
I think this is absolutely unacceptable and I really don't understand why IBM 
has decided to change this.
The only work around one has is to set retver to unlimited and delete the 
obsolete backup versions through HANA Studio. This is also unacceptable I 
think, this is moving a design flaw to the customer side.
Am I the only one struggling with this issue?
Kind regards,
Eric van Loon
Air France/KLM Storage Engineering
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