Hi all,

This page of the 8.1.7 knowledge center:



Before you set up replication operations with IBM Spectrum Protectâ„¢, you
must ensure that the source and target replication servers are compatible
for replication.

In that table you will find

Source       target
7.1.3          7.1.3 or later

So, I have a 7.1.3 server with a 8.1.7 target, that should be supported
according to the documentation.

However, it doesn't work, I can't even do a ping server:

09:00:30   713srv : ping server 817srv
ANR0454E Session rejected by server  817srv  , reason: 7 - Down Level.
ANR1705W A ping request to server ' 817srv  ' was not able to establish a
connection by using administrator credentials.
ANS8001I Return code 4.

So, I get a "reason 7 - Down Level" error.
Export server gives the same error message.

Does anybody know why this is happening?


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